Friday, March 16, 2012

Handmade Jewelry Has Its Own Niche

Handmade jewelry is made by artisans who are gifted with the skill of creating unique jewelry designs which cannot be imitated by mass produced ones. These men and women look at their materials and talk to them before finally creating that one unique item. These are the unique items which many women look for.

Handmade jewelry can be reproduced several times over, as long as the design pattern is there to follow. But because it is handmade, not one of the pieces would look exactly the same, so each one will have its own uniqueness despite the fact that the same design pattern had been used.

Most women love jewelry but they would all have their own idea on the type of jewelry they wish to wear. There are some women who like only costume jewelry, and then there are some who only like fine jewelry made and designed by top designers like Dior. But there are really women who simply love wearing handmade jewelry.

Many women who love to use the handmade jewelry look for that uniqueness which may enhance the way they look. Some women look for the handmade ones for they claim that once they find that particular piece, it shows people who they really are - a woman who is unique as well.

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Handmade jewelry are considered works of art and they can become collectibles should the artist become famous for his or her work. It really does not matter what medium they use, they create from the heart and it shows in the items they produce.

One last thing, many women have stated that the handmade jewelry have a depth in them, something which they could not feel in the mass produced ones. Maybe because the artist puts in their own sense of self when they create their pieces.

Many women also consider the handmade as the better item compared to the machine made for the metals used are thicker and the setting more secure. Many find that those made by hand are more secure in their settings than those machine made, probably because of the careful and intimate way they had been created.

There are a lot of jewelry stores and online jewelry stores which sell handmade jewelry and they are very successful at it. They offer designs that could not be found anywhere else, even if they are trendy designs. Those jewelry which are made from cheaper materials like beads fetch a handsome price just like its fine jewelry counterpart, simply because they are handmade.

The Myth Of Jade Jewelry

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I'm sure you will be attracted by this natural precious gem,not only attracted by its precious beauty but by its inner charactere which can cultivate your taste to let your find more beauty around you.

Jade jewelry is a gemstone of unique symbolic energy, and unique in the myths that surround it. With its beauty and wide-ranging expressiveness, jade has held a special attraction for mankind for thousands of years.

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silver bracelets for wedding |By Gong Liang on January 22, 2011

Now just Chinese people love jade jewelry. As long ago as the pre-Columbian period, the Mayas, Aztecs and Olmecs of Central America also honoured and esteemed jade more highly than gold. New Zealand's Maoris began carving weapons and cult instruments from native jade in early times, a tradition which has continued to the present day. In ancient Egypt, jade jewelry was admired as the stone of love, inner peace, harmony and balance. In other regions and cultures too, jade jewelry was regarded as a lucky or protective stone; yet it had nowhere near the significance that it had in Asia, which was presumably due to the fact that people knew relatively little about this fascinating gem. Fortunately however, in recent times, people's understanding of this gem, which fascinates not only the connoisseurs by its perfect interplay of hardness and toughness with an enchanting range of colours and fine lustre, has improved; and their esteem for it has been on the increase all over the world.

This gem, with its discreet yet rather greasy lustre, which comes in many fine nuances of green, but also in shades of white, grey, black, yellow, and orange and in delicate violet tones, has been known to Man for some 8000 years. In prehistoric times, however, it was esteemed for its toughness, which made it an ideal material for weapons and tools and are also cherished for its beautiful color.Chinese people love jade jewelry from that time which lost for more than 8000 years.The jade jewelry is called "yu" in China which mean the 'royal gem'. In the long history of the art and culture of the enormous Chinese empire, jade has always had a very special significance, roughly comparable with that of gold and diamonds in the West. Jade was used not only for the finest objects and cult figures, but also in grave furnishings for high-ranking members of the imperial family. Today, too, this gem is regarded as a symbol of the good, the beautiful and the precious. It embodies the Confucian virtues of wisdom, justice, compassion, modesty and courage. A visit to the jade market, be it in Hong Kong or Shanghai, or at one of the Hong Kong jade auctions organised by Christie's, can give some idea of the significance this gem has for the people of Asia.

Jade's value is more that gold and diamond these jewelry in Chinese people's eye,that's why the word " gold is value,but jade is invaluable" is handed down from generation to generation.